Direct action is on-the-ground and physical means of drawing attention to a pressing issue. It is used when negotiation tactics have failed to meet the needs of the People. It is powerful in that it is visual. These pictures that you see in the history books.
Because it involves being a person putting themselves into a position of blocking access and actively demonstrating — there are going to be physical and legal risks.
Occupy as long as possible.
You can decide for yourself how or what this means, but be smart about it.
Consider carefully your own bandwidth for risk or personal needs. There are many ways to support without putting yourself directly into conflict. Spread the word. Prepare legal defenses. Buy plane tickets for friends that want to do this in DC but can’t afford it. Transport or escort friends to federal buildings. Take photographs, video, and other documentation and share it online. Get documentation Share knowledge about how to protect your identity online. Connect with your local National Lawyers Guild and legal observers. Research civil rights tactics that can be used. Teach others about protest safety. Know your right.
The DC specific site is in the works and will include specific information about locations in DC, including how police forces have different rules.